نمذجة العلاقات السببية بين اليقظة العقلية والتنظيم الإنفعالي وقلق المستقبل لدى طلاب الجامعة


The current research aimed to investigate the direct and indirect effects of mindfulness -as an independent variable- in future anxiety-as a dependent variable- through emotional regulation -as a mediating variable- among Al-Azhar University students through a proposed model in which the researcher assumed the presence of direct and indirect effects of mindfulness in future anxiety, Participants were (472) students (243 male and 229 female) students at the faculty of Education in Tafahna Al-Ashraf University, Al-Azhar University, and the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Sadat, Al-Azhar University, The research tools included the mindfulness scale, the emotional regulation scale, and the future anxiety scale, all of them (prepared by the researcher). After the statistical analysis data using the path analysis method, the findings revealed: There is a good match between the proposed path analysis model and the participants' data in terms of the different relationships between the research variables. Findings also revealed statistically direct significant effects of mindfulness in future anxiety, there are also statistically direct significant effects of mindfulness in emotional regulation, except the two dimensions namely "acting consciously - unjudging internal experiences", The presence of that are statistically direct significant effects of emotional regulation in future anxiety, and statistically indirect significant effects of mindfulness in future anxiety through emotional regulation except for the two dimensions namely "acting consciously - unjudging internal experiences", Finally, there is a conformity in the pathway analysis model of mindfuless, emotional regulation, and future anxiety among males and females. (Published abstract)