تصميم فيديو رقمي قائم على السرد القصصي في بيئة تعلم إلكترونية وأثره في تنمية الدافعية العقلية والتحصيل الأكاديمي لدى طلاب كلية التربية بجامعة الملك سعود‎


This research aimed to developing mental motivation and academic achievement among students at College of Education, King Saud University, through design a digital video based on storytelling in an e-learning environment. To achieve this goal, a sample of (62) students from College of Education at King Saud University was selected. The researcher divided them into experimental group of (30) students, who studied by using digital videos which designed based on storytelling in an e-learning environment, and control group of (32) students, who studied by traditional method, both groups were enrolling in the course of "Integrating Technology in Education". The mental motivation measurement and academic achievement test were used as well as T-test for analyzing the research data. This research found the effectiveness of using digital video in an e-learning environment based on storytelling in developing mental motivation and academic achievement among students at College of Education, King Saud University. (Published abstract)