قلق المستقبل المهني وعلاقته بالتحصيل الدراسي لدى طلبة دبلوم التأهيل التربوي بجامعة نزوى في سلطنة عمان في ظل جائحة كرونا‎


The study aimed to identify the relationship of Future Career Anxiety with academic achievement among educational diploma students who are enrolled in the study at the University of Nizwa in Oman. The results of the study shows that the general average level of Future Career Anxiety according to the five fields of study came between (moderate level and low level). The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the responses of the study sample members of the educational qualification diploma students to the level of professional future anxiety. In all axes, they are attributed to the variable of specialization (humanities, applied sciences). Also, the correlation coefficients between the average of undergraduate students and future anxiety came at a weak level, and the study reached a set of recommendations and proposals related to the role of the Student Guidance Center to reduce students' anxiety, as well as the role of parents not to pressure their children in the issue of employment and their future career. (Published abstract)