درجة امتلاك معلمات المرحلة الأساسية الدنيا في مدينة عمان لمهارات الاستماع للقرآن الكريم‎


The study aimed to identify the degree to which the lower elementary school teachers possess the skills of listening to the Holy Qur'an and to know the effect of the difference in educational experience and academic qualification on possessing these skills. The study population consisted of the female teachers who study this stage in the Directorate of Education of the Kasbah of Amman, and their number is (1723) teachers, and the sample was withdrawn from this community by the method of accidental inspection, and the sample consisted of (307) teachers who teach the lower elementary stage, during the school year 2020-2021. An achievement test was built as a tool to collect data from female teachers, and the study reached the following results: that female teachers possess a low level of total listening skills, and that both the skills of audible comprehension and audible taste were among the sub-skills of listening possessed by teachers with a medium degree, and that there are differences Statistical significance to the degree of female teachers 'possession of listening skills due to the variable of educational experience in favor of those with medium and high experience, and to the fact that the value of the practical significance -Eta2 - was low if it reached (0.04), as well as to the absence of statistically significant differences on the educational qualification variable of the teachers, or to variable interaction between educational experience and academic qualification. The study was presented based on the results of a set of recommendations, including Paying attention to preparing more tests to measure the extent to which teachers possess the necessary educational skills. (Published abstract)