إستخدام استراتيجية (k.w.l.h) في تعديل التصورات البديلة لبعض مفاهيم الظواهر الطبيعية وفي تنمية حب الاستطلاع العلمي لدى طفل الروضة


The current research aims at investigating the effectiveness of using (K.W.L.H) Strategy in adapting Alternative conception of Some Natural phenomena concepts and in developing scientific curiosity of kindergarten child. To achieve the aim of the research the following are used A list of Natural phenomena concepts, a photographed test to know on alternative conception for kindergartener, A photographed test of natural phenomena concepts and scientific curiosity scale for kinder gardener. The researcher applied the tools on (20) children in the second level in kindergarten (6-7) years. The results. Reveal the effectiveness of using (K.W.L.H) strategy in adapting Alternative conception of some natural phenomena concepts and in developing curiosity of kindergarten child. (Published abstract)