التعلم عن بعد في أثناء جائحة كوفيد 19 وبعدها


The study aimed to identify the importance of distance learning during and after Covid 19 pandemic، identify the negatives of distance learning, reveal the Ministry of Education’s preparations for its use, the challenges facing its use during and after Covid 19 pandemic, and provide some suggestions for the success of its use during and after Covid 19 pandemic, and the impact of variables (gender, qualification, experience, educational stage, educational region) in that. To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive approach was used, and the data was collected through a questionnaire that included (48) phrases distributed over five dimensions, which were applied to a sample of (944) male and female middle and high school teachers in public education schools in the State of Kuwait. The results showed that the estimates of the study sample members were average as a whole on the following two dimensions: the importance of distance learning during and after Covid 19 pandemic, and the Ministry of Education’s preparations for the use of distance learning during Covid 19 pandemic, the estimates of the sample members were generally large on the following dimensions: the negatives of distance learning, the challenges facing the use of distance learning during and after Covid 19 pandemic, and suggestions for the success of using distance learning during and after Covid 19 pandemic. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the averages of the study sample members about distance learning due to the variables (gender, qualification, experience, educational stage, educational region), and in light of the results, the study made some recommendations. (Published abstract)