المرونة النفسية وعلاقتها بالكفاءة الاجتماعية لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية بمدينة حائل


This study aimed to identify the relationship between Resilience and social competence among students of secondary male school in Hail city. The research subject used consisted of (200) first, second and third male grade in Hail. The researcher administered The Resilience scale by (Abo Shaqora,2012) and the social competence scale by (Abo Roman,2008). The research results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between the Resilience and social competence among the study subject. And there were a significant positive differences between students in the Resilience according to the variable grade for the first and second grade. And there was a significant positive differences between students in the social competence according to the variable grade for the first and second grade. And researcher recommended a number of recommendations including: the inclusion of therapeutic, preventive and developmental counseling programs and behavior modification programs for social competence and students' psychological resilience and preparation and submission of extension programs to raise the level of psychological resilience and social competence. (Published abstract)