إستخدام تطبيقات جغرافية قائمة على محفزات الألعاب "gamification" لتنمية تحصيل تلاميذ الصف الرابع الابتدائي ذوي قصور الانتباه والنشاط الزائد "adhd"


The current research aimed to identify the impact of using based geographic applications based on Gamification, in the development of the achievement of students in the fourth-grade primary attention deficit hyperactivity disorder "ADHD". To achieve this goal, the researcher conducted a theoretical study on the category of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity, and Gamification, through the study of educational literature, studies and previous research. The researcher also prepared a guide for the geography teacher to teach the applications of the economic activities unit in my country using the Gamification, As well as the preparation of a guide for the student to achieve the levels of geographical applications, and the preparation of the geographical collection test. The experimental design of this research was based on the existence of two groups of students: experimental, which is subjected to the experiential factor (geographic applications based on Gamification), and the other: control, It uses the usual method. The procedures of the research experiment were: selection of the research sample, and pre-test the geographical achievement, and teaching the applications of geographical levels of motivation, and then the post-test the geographical achievement and then the tracking application of the experimental group. The results of the research: the effectiveness of the use of geographic applications at the levels of incentive to the experimental group, which in turn led to the development of geographical achievement, and the remaining of the impact of learning in students of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Then came a set of recommendations, and proposed research. (Published abstract)