جودة الحياة المدرسية لدى معلمي التلاميذ ذوي الإعاقة وعلاقتها بالمرونة النفسية والسلوك الإيثاري لديهم


The study aimed at identifying the quality of school life among the teachers of students with special needs and their relation to psychological resilience and their altruistic behavior. The study sample consisted of (54) teachers of students with special needs in the El-Beheira. They ranged in age from 26 to 58 years. The researcher found the following results: there is correlation between the quality of school life and the psychological resilience of teachers of students with special needs, as well as the quality of school life and their altruistic behavior. There are statistically significant differences between the teachers of students with special needs, males and females, in relation to the quality of school life for females. The quality of school life can be predicted among the teachers of students with special needs through their knowledge of psychological resilience and altruistic behavior. (Published abstract)