إستخدام استراتيجية seven e's البنائية في تدريس الدراسات الاجتماعية لتنمية بعض المفاهيم الإقتصادية لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإبتدائية


The study aimed to develop the economic concepts of the 4th grade Azhar students using the Seven E's constructive strategy. The researcher used the experimental design based on the quasi-experimental design of two groups. The sample was 60 males/females’ students from the new Azhar Malawi primary institute - Malawi directorate - Minia governorate. The sample was divided into two groups: the experimental group consisted of (30 males/females) students, and the controlling group consisted of (30 males/females) students. To achieve the objectives of the study the researcher prepared a list of economic concepts (14) concepts, a student's activity book, a teacher's guide to use the Seven E's constructive strategy, economic concepts test, and decision-making skills test. The study estimated the impact of using Seven E's constructive strategy in the development of some economic concepts for 4th grade Azhar students. There were statistically significant differences between students in the pre-and post-administration for economic concepts test for the experimental group in post- administration test, and the impact of the strategy in developing some economic concepts on the study group was considerable. The study recommended the necessity of applying the Seven E's constructive strategy to teach other units of social studies as well as other subjects, developing economic concepts by using modern teaching strategies that give a positive role to the learner in the learning process and other recommendations in the educational process. The study also presented a set of suggestions related to the results of the study. (Published abstract)