الصمود النفسي وعلاقته بقلق المستقبل لدى عينة من طلاب جامعة الطائف

The study aimed to identify the degree of psychological resilience and manifestations of future anxiety among university students, to reveal the relationship between psychological resilience and future anxiety in a sample of university students, and also to reveal the possibility of predicting future anxiety through degrees of psychological resilience. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the correlational approach was followed, whereby two scales were applied as a tool to collect data. The first measure of future anxiety was prepared by Presbyterians (2009 CE) consisting of (43) paragraphs, and the other was the scale of psychological resilience prepared by (Al Talaa, 2016), which consisted of (25) A paragraph where the validity and reliability of the two scales were verified by applying it to a survey sample of (30) students. The study population consisted of 3,641 students, including 2578 students from the College of Science, and 1063 from the College of Arts. (350) students were selected by the simple random method. It has been shown that there is an inverse correlation between future anxiety and the psychological resilience variable, and the degrees of future anxiety can be predicted through knowing the total degree of psychological resilience and its dimensions, and the study recommended attention to students who suffer from future anxiety during academic counseling and guidance and designing appropriate educational programs and interventions to meet their academic needs. Psychological and social. (Published Abstract)