فعالية برنامج تدريبي لتنمية مهارات إدارة الذات في خفض اضطراب اللغة البراجماتية لدى الأطفال ذوي اضطراب فرط الحركة وتشتت الإنتباه


Many children, especially those with ADHD have difficulty in developing pragmatic language; social problems and difficulties in social interaction. Therefore, the present study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the training program to develop self-management skills in reducing pragmatic language disorder for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The study sample of 24 students from the elementary school in Taif city. The pupils' ages ranges from (9-12) years, with an average of (10.691), and a standard deviation of (0.938). IQ from (95-129), average of (108.87), and a standard deviation of (10.76). The sample was randomly divided into two equal groups: the first is the experimental group (n = 12). The second is the control group (n = 12). The tools of the study included: pragmatic language disorder scale, self-management skills scale, evaluation card of target behavior management (trainer / pupil) and program of training on self-management skills. All prepared by researchers. The results of this study indicate that: there are significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in self-management skills and pragmatic language disorder in favor of the experimental group. There are no significant differences between the post and follow-up measurements. This indicates that the program has a continuous positive effect for program. This study recommends that it is necessary to use training on self-management skills in the behavior modification programs and development pragmatic language for ADHD. (Published abstract)