فاعلية برنامج ارشادي قائم على العلاج باللعب في تحسين مستوى المهارات الاجتماعية ومفهوم الذات والمرونة النفسية لدى الأطفال المساء إليهم جسديا


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a counseling program based on play therapy in improving the level of social skills, self-concept and the resilience level in a sample of physically abused children. The sample consisted of six physically abused children (two males, and four females) at the Hussein Social Institute. The single case study design was used, and the sample was chosen purposively. The researcher used three instruments: the first was the social skills test (created by the researcher based on a review of related literature), the Piers Harris children's self-concept scale, and finally the Connor-Davidson resilience scale. Validity and reliability have been constructed for the three scales for the Jordanian sample; furthermore, a pre-post test method was used. The counseling program (which was built by the researcher) consisted of fifteen sessions; ten of those sessions were administered individually to all children, following that five group sessions was administered where all children joined together in a game room. The results showed significant improvement on the three instruments according to the post scores for all the children, which might lead us to the effectiveness of the counseling program used. The study recommends that the institutions caring for abuse children benefit from these programs. It also recommends needing more effective programs about the play therapy with children with different ages and other of abuse. (Author's abstract)