مستوى المرونة الإدارية لدى مديري المدارس المتوسطة بدولة الكويت وعلاقتها بمستوى الأمن الوظيفي لدى معلمي التّربية البدنية


The study aimed at identifying the level of administrative flexibility of middle school principals in Kuwait and its relationship with level of Employment security among physical education teachers in the light of some variables. The descriptive analytical method was used through the development of a questionnaire distributed to (377) teachers selected by randomly. The study found that the level of administrative flexibility highly, the study found that there are statistically significant differences on administrative flexibility due to gender except for the field of performance, evaluation, dialogue and discussion came the differences in favor of male teachers. the study also found that there are statistically significant differences in attributed to the variable of scientific qualification in all fields and the tool except the field of regulations, instructions, dialogue and discussion. experience except performance, evaluation and decision-making, where there were differences between the less than 5 years of experience on the one hand, and those with 10 years’ experience and the differences in favor of those with experience of 10 years and more. The study also found that the level of Employment security was medium, and there were no statistically significant differences to the responses of the sample of the study towards the level of job security due to the impact of gender variables and scientific qualification. The responses of the study sample were attributed to the effect of variable years of experience. The differences were in favor of those with less than 5 years of experience, and the presence of a positive correlation statistically significant between the level of administrative flexibility of middle school principals in Kuwait and the level of Employment security. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommends ensuring that managers are given various skills in understanding others, working objectively, used authority as wisdom, knowledge of the principles of communication, flexibility of work, dialogue and discussion to increase their adaptation and adaptation in the schoolwork environment. (Author’s abstract)