مفاهيم الذات الأكاديمية والمرونة النفسية المتضمنة في كتب الدراسات الاجتماعية في الصف الرابع الإعدادي في العراق


The study aimed to identify the academic self-concepts and psychological flexibility included in the social studies books for the Fourth-Grade Middle class in Iraq. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher adopted the content analysis approach, one of the methods of the descriptive method, and he prepared two tools for the study to measure the most important academic self-concepts and psychological flexibility concepts contained in the social studies books. The study sample consisted of the two books of the history of Arab-Islamic civilization and the foundations and techniques of Geography for the fourth grade of the academic year 2018-2019, which are the history of the Arab-Islamic civilization and the foundations and techniques of Geography. After conducting the statistical analysis through extracting the frequencies and percentages of the academic self-concepts and the psychological flexibility concepts in the social studies books, the researcher concluded that the academic self-concepts and the psychological flexibility concepts included in the social studies books of the fourth grade in Iraq had a low degree. (Author’s abstract)