مرونة الغلق لدى طلبة الجامعة


The current research aims to identify: 1) The degree of flexibility of closure among university students. 2) Identify the difference in the flexibility of closure of university students according to the variable of sex, specialization and stage. The current research is determined by a sample of Basra University students (College of Science and Education for Pure Sciences and Education for the Humanities). From both sexes for the academic year 2018 / 2019. When the sample number reached (500) male and female students, the current research adopted the descriptive research method, the method of correlation studies, and the Copying Test issued by the Educational Testing Center (ETS, 1976) was approved The results of the research that students enjoy the flexibility of closure, while there are no significant differences between students in the level of flexibility of closure according to (gender and specialization). In light of the results of the current study results, the researcher suggests conducting the following studies. The flexibility of closure and its relationship to the innovative thinking of university students. (Published abstract)