التشوهات المعرفية والمرونة العقلية والوعي الانفعالي والصلابة النفسية كمنبئات بقلق التصور المعرفي لدى طلاب المرحلة الجامعية


The current study is aiming to show the predictive values of the current cognitive distortions, mental flexibility, emotional awareness, and psychological hardness to predict cognitive conception anxiety among undergraduates in King Abdulaziz University. A total of 286 undergraduate students were recruited for this purpose after signing informed consent forms. The results revealed that model can interpret (48.9%) of the variance on the cognitive conception anxiety variable in presence of the examined factors. The present study recommends that more guiding strategies should be taken into account to amend cognitive distortions and to improve emotional awareness, psychological hardness, and mental flexibility in the personality structures of undergraduate students. (Published abstract)