أثر برنامج تدريبي قائم على اليقظة العقلية في الوظائف التنفيذية واضطراب الانتباه وفرط النشاط لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإبتدائية 


The present study aims at revealing the effectiveness of the training program is based on mindfulness to improve executive functions and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among Primary School Students, the study sample consisted of (60) male and female students in the fourth, fifth and six grade at the primary school at Benha Educational Administration, Qalubiya Governorate during the academic Year 2017-2018. The final of the sample was the age of 9-12 years old, the following tools will be used in the present study: Intelligence Kattel test, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Test by Fathi Elziat 2007, Mindfulness Scale by Kamal Ismail 2016, Executive Functions Scale by The present researcher, Findings indicated effectiveness of the training program is based on Mindfulness to improve executive functions in students with ADHD. (Published abstract)