العوامل المؤثرة في تدني مستوى التحصيل الدراسي لدى طلبة المرحلة المتوسطة في مادة اللغة العربية من وجهة نظر مدرسي المادة


The aim of the research is to identify the factors affecting the decline in level of academic achievement of middle school students in the Arabic language subject from the viewpoint of the subject teachers, and to find out if there are any differences with gender variation (male teachers - female teachers), the study sample is consisted of (20) teachers, a questionnaire was prepared consisting of (40) paragraphs, which extracted the psychometric properties of the tool represented by apparent honesty by presenting the tool to a group of teachers of educational and psychological sciences, methods of teaching the Arabic language, and extracting consistency in a half-split manner on a sample of size 14 of Arabic language teachers. Stability coefficient reached (0.79), and the researcher used the appropriate statistical means in analysis and data processing, including Pearson correlation coefficient, weighted mean, percentage weight, and T-test for two independent samples. The research has reached several factors behind the decline in level of academic achievement of middle school students in a subject Arabic language, including: the passage of students in adolescence stage and the accompanying of physiological changes, the lack of daily preparation by students, family problems especially among parents that negatively affect students, students' preoccupation with electronic means of communication and games, including PUBG game, difficulty of Arabic language, it contains separate articles, such as grammar, literature and texts, expression, reading, the large number of students per class, which hinders the process of teaching, unstable school times, due to the large number of holidays. In light of the researcher's findings, the conclusions emerged, including: There is a low level of academic achievement for middle school students the third intermediate. Through the above findings, the researcher recommends a set of recommendations, including: 1) The necessity of paying attention to middle school students. 2) Strengthening the relationship and cooperation between parents and the educational staff for the success of the process of detecting and treating students' academic decline as soon as possible. The researcher suggests, in light of the results reached: 1) To conduct a similar study for the other academic stages as Preparatory stage. 2) Conducting a similar comparative study taking into consideration the gender variable. (Published abstract)