فعالية تقنيات تقييم السلوك الوظيفي في زيادة قدرة الطلبة المعاقين عقليا على الاستجابة للتعليمات


This study aimed to examine the effects of using the techniques of FBA on behavioral problems especially low ability in following orders, for a sample consisted of (3) students, with Intellectual Disability (ID), receiving educational services in special needs centers. Using single-subject design. To achieve the aims of the study the researcher used the functional behavioral assessment strategies, using behavioral intervention planning manual (BIP3) forms as a structured tool, a multiple baseline before and after the interventions was created to examine the effectiveness of interventions in increasing student's ability in following orders. Results reveled significant reductions in behavioral problems of the students, proving the effectiveness of interventions based on the functional behavioral assessment strategies in increasing students with ID ability in following orders. The study recommended conducting more studies considering a follow up procedures for the subjects to ensure the sustainability of the changes occurred due to the interventions, systematic replication of this methodology with additional subjects across a diversity of behaviors challenges and outcome measures to ensure producing a since-based intervention methodology. (Published abstract)