الوعي السيكوتربوي باضطراب عجز الإنتباه مع أو بدون فرط النشاط : بحث استكشافي لدى أساتذة التعليم الإبتدائي


Attention is regarded as of one the basic cognitive competencies, as it is necessary for academic excellence as well as social and professional integration, however, the functioning of this competence may be hampered by a range of disorders; the presence of which would constitute an obstacle to the learner during his learning and academic achievement. In this regard, attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity (ADHD henceforth) is one of the most famous disorders. The latter, though it is a neurodevelopmental disorder, it is characterized by clear and specific symptoms. Then, our aim in this article is then to identify the spread of this disorder, as well as to identify the extent of psychoeducational awareness of this disorder among primary school teachers in the county of Fes. The study sample consisted of 100 teachers who work in the town of Fes, as for the research instrument used, we relied on the questionnaire. The study concluded that the level of psychoeducational awareness of this disorder among primary school teachers in the town of Fes is low, and that the primary education teachers can identify the learner who suffers from ADHD. However, when they classified the grade school child, they considered him as struggling academically. Such cases are, then, classified as troublemakers, lazy, uninterested without taking into consideration that his attention deficit-hyperactivity could be the result of different factors. (Published abstract)