أثر برنامج قائم على المرونة النفسية في تحسين فاعلية الذات الانفعالية وخفض قلق المستقبل المهني لطالبات الجامعة ذوات صعوبات التعلم الأكاديمية


The present study aimed at measuring the effect of a program based on psychological resilience on improving emotional self-efficacy and reducing vocational future anxiety for university students with learning disabilities. To achieve this aim, a sample of 60 Taibah University Students who were diagnosed as academic learning disabilities was selected. They were divided into two groups (an experimental of 30 and a control of 30). They sat for the emotional self-efficacy - vocational future anxiety scales (developed by the researcher). After the intervention, both tools were administered again, and t-test was used to identify the significance of the differences between the groups. Results showed the following: 1) there are statistically significant mean differences in the emotional self-efficacy between the mean scores of the control and those of the experimental group favoring those of the experimental group. 2) There are statistically significant mean differences in Vocational Future Anxiety between the mean scores of the control and those of the experimental group favoring those of the control group. (Published abstract)