أثر برنامج علاجي معرفي سلوكي قائم على تعديل التشوهات المعرفية في تحسين فعالية الذات الأكاديمية لدى عينة من طلاب جامعة سطام ذوي التحصيل المنخفض

This study aimed at determining the Effect of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program based on Modification Cognitive Distortions in improving the level of academic self-efficacy students of low-Achievement at Sattam University. The sample consisted of (30)student, who were randomly distributed on an experimental group, (15) subjects who received a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program through group therapy , and a control group, (15) subjects who did not receive any training. The program lasted for six weeks, with a 45 minute session, in which the proposed techniques were used through disputation, technical A.B.C, home work, cognitive reconstruction, problem solving, Ideas recording and relaxation. The research tools used were : 1) Cognitive Distortions scale, 2) academic self-efficacy scale, 3) a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program .The results revealed effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy based on modifying Cognitive Distortions and Improving Academic Self-efficacy among a Sample of Low-Achieved University Students, Members of the experimental group maintained their improvement when the follow up measurement was administered. (Published abstract)