فاعلية برنامج قائم على التطوع والأنشطة اللاصفية للحد من ضعف الانتباه والنشاط الزائد لدى الطلبة ذوي صعوبات التعلم

This study aimed to investigate the impact of a training program based on volunteerism and extracurricular activities program to limit attention deficit hyperactivity among students with learning difficulties. The training program prepared by the researcher to a sample number has been applied (16) of the students who have learning difficulties, divided equally into two samples and experimental officer. The researcher used the experimental design the two groups (experimental and control). The results showed that there are significant differences among the middle ranks of the experimental and control groups after the application of the training program for the experimental group. In the light of the results there were some useful recommendations aimed at Promote the participation of children in volunteer work and extracurricular activities who have hyperactivity and distraction. (Published abstract)