فاعلية برنامج تعليمي قائم على نظرية المرونة المعرفية في تنمية الكفاءة الذاتية الأكاديمية لدى طلبة كلية التربية الأساسية


The research aims to find out the effectiveness of using an educational program based on the theory of cognitive flexibility in the achievement of the measurement and evaluation material among the students of the basic education college to achieve this, the researchers chose a semi-experimental design with a post-test for two groups, one experimental and the other one. The sample consisted of (80) male and female students from the first grade teacher's department in the Basic Education College for the academic year (2018-2019). They were randomly divided into 40 groups, one of them as experimental group, which was taught through the program based on the theory of cognitive flexibility and the second as a control group was taught in the traditional way. The researchers were rewarded between the two groups of research in (age, intelligence and previous information). The results of the research were found to be statistically significant for the benefit of the students in the experimental group. Recommendations to emphasize the importance of the use of educational programs because they contribute to raising the achievement of students and encourage teachers to use modern teaching strategies to help students to implement the mind and reconsider the programs of teacher preparation in its comprehensive sense and various aspects and developed to fit the researchers proposed several proposals, including a study similar to the use of the educational program based on the theory of cognitive flexibility in the development of thinking of all kinds (creative, explanatory, critical, logical, etc. (Published Abstract)