الأمن النفسي وعلاقته بالمرونة المعرفية لدى طلبة الصف العاشر بمحافظة البلقاء


The current study aimed to investigate the cognitive flexibility and psychological security level among the tenth grade student in Balqa governorate. The researcher uses the correlational analytical methodology to achieve the desired goals. The study population consists of (232) students enrolled primarily in Al-Aradah district in Balqa governorate in the first academic term 2017/2018. 224 questionnaires were distributed due to absence of 8 student 222 were collected. 4 questionnaires were disregarded due to incompetence, therefore the research sample was 218 students to achieve the study goals, and a scale was developed to investigate the cognitive flexibility and psychological security level. After scale validity and reliability verification it was applied on all sample members. The results of the study indicate that there is a high level of appreciation for the level of psychological security, where the mean of the scale as a whole was (2.417), and the existence of a high level of appreciation of the level of cognitive flexibility, where the mean of the scale as a whole was (2.404), and the existence of a relationship of statistical significance at The level of significance (a = 0.05) between psychological security and cognitive flexibility, and the absence of differences of statistical significance attributed to the gender variable among the tenth grade students in the district of Al-Aradah in Balqa governorate. A set of recommendations were presented, notably the preparation of training courses that aim at developing psychological security and cognitive flexibility among tenth grade to be more prepared for the university stage. And further studies that examine the relationship between psychological security and cognitive flexibility and other variables. (Published Abstract)