الإسهام النسبي للوعي الموقفي في التنبؤ بسلوك المخاطرة الأكاديمية واتخاذ القرار والأسلوب المعرفي (التصلب/ المرونة) لدى الطلبة المعلمين

The current study was conducted to investigate the relationship between situational awareness, academic risk behavior, decision making level, and cognitive style (flexibility / rigidity) in teacher demand, knowledge of differences between male and female teachers in study variables, and the relative contribution of situational awareness through academic risk behavior and decision-making. The study followed the descriptive method on a sample of 300 students from the colleges of graduate education at Shaqra University, using the stop-gap measure of the researcher's preparation 2016 and the measure of risk behavior. The results showed that there is an inverse correlation between the situational awareness and the behavior of academic risk, and the existence of a positive correlation between the situational awareness and decision making. There is a positive correlation between the situational awareness and the cognitive method. (Hardness / flexibility) among teacher students, there are differences between students with flexible cognitive skills, and students with rigid cognitive skills in situational awareness, for the benefit of those with a flexible cognitive style, there are differences between the average students with teachers Loeb cognitive flex, students, teachers with cognitive style sclerotic in academic risk, for the benefit of people with cognitive style sclerotic behavior. There are differences between students with flexible cognitive methods, and students with rigid cognitive style at the decision-making level, for the benefit of those with a flexible cognitive style, and finally the possibility of predicting the cognitive awareness in the light of the study variables. (Published Abstract)