أثر برنامج إرشاد جمعي معرفي سلوكي في خفض الضغوط النفسية وتحسين المرونة النفسية لدى عينة من المراهقين اللاجئين السوريين


This study aimed to investigate the impact of group counseling program based on cognitive-behavioral theory to improve to reduce stress and psychological resilience among Adolescent from Syrian refugees’ families in Jordan. The sample consisted 30 students from the Syrian students with ages ranged between 13-15 years were registered in a puplic school in irbed govemorate in 1st semester of 2016-2017 academic year, which was chosen purposely to implement the program, to achieve the gols, it was adopted quasi-experimental method, were the members randomly assigned two equal groups : the experimental n=15 groups, whose members presented in a group counseling program prepared by the researcher, and control n=l5 groups whose members did not undergo any training. The data were collected through application of to (pre-post) tests for the two groups: Stress tests and Psychological Resilience tests in addition to the iterative tests which was applied on the experimental group a month ago the end of the program. The Results showed asgnificant differences between the average performance of the experimental and control groups on a test Stress tests dimensions and resilience tests and it is dimensions, all of which came in favor of the experimental group. the results also showed a non asgnificant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group on reduce stress and psychological resilience attributed to the test (posttest, itedative test in) which refers to the effectiveness of the program in proving Reduce Stress and Psychological Resilience and the continuation of this improvement through follow-up period. This study recommended the development of more group counseling programs to address the psycuological, personal, social and behavioral issues among adolescents of Syrian refugees. (Author’s abstract)