ممارسة الرياضة داخل الوسط المدرسي والحد من اضطراب فرط الحركة المصحوب بنقص الإنتباه


The present study aims at identifying the role of exercise in the school environment in reducing attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity in students of primary education. The study's problem was to investigate the effect of exercise in and outside the school environment in reducing attention deficit and hyperactivity in primary school pupils. The experimental approach was based on the experimental group and the experimental group, which included 15 primary school students who represented the control sample and who had a distraction disorder with hyperactivity. The second group of the experimental group consisted of 10 students suffering from the disorder but exercise outside the school. The Konners measure was applied to the teachers and parents of the students suffering from the disorder. The researcher then designed a questionnaire to determine the effect of exercise on reducing the disorder. After analyzing the data and data on the subject of the study, the researcher reached the following results: 1) there is an effect in reducing ADHD with exercise in primary school students. 2) There were statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group on the Konners scale of locomotor-related attention deficit in primary school students. (Published Abstract)