ثقافة الحوار الأكاديمي لدى طلبة الجامعة من وجهتي نظر الطلبة وأعضاء هيئة التدريس في جامعة الكويت


The current study aims to identify the Malaysian experience in dealing with multicultural education, through identifying the reality of implementing educational policies from the perspective of diverse cultures, different religions. The significance of the study lies in highlighting the reality of educational policies implementation through identifying curricula, teaching methods, training and preparation of the teachers and school staff with multiculturalism among students, who must deal with it, and put the appropriate systems, which enables them to exercise their rights. The study followed the descriptive approach, and relied on the qualitative method in the collection and analysis of data through the method of content analysis, which is also called document analysis. The first coding and classification of sources by using cards to facilitate classification process where these cards total (131 cards) are labeled by themes and truncated paragraphs of documentation and coding to facilitate classification, as the documents translated using multiple computer programs. The sample of the study is the documents that were compiled from studies, conferences and scientific articles, which are fourteen documents. The results of the study on educational policy in malaysia has been able to achieve the requirements of multiculturalism, and the education system in malaysia focuses strongly on the issue of unity among ethnic groups, and rooting the common concept of communication between races which reflects diversity, encourages the understanding of the diverse cultures and lifestyles, and promote a greater tolerance and interaction on a social level. As the results of the study show that there is classification of curricula, training and preparation for teachers in malaysian education community to deal with multiculturalism which influenced by the structure of society and national unity systematically and socially in the lives of students; the pairing of languages and teaching, and trying to reconcile them. It was also found that school leaders and teachers lack the training and professional development on the subject of intercultural education, as showing that the aim of intercultural education is to provide fair opportunities for all children of different cultural backgrounds, and empowered them at the same time interact with the community from different backgrounds. (Author's abstract)