مستوى التدين المعرفي والسلوكي وعلاقته بالمرونة النفسية لدى الطلبة الجامعيين

Everybody in his daily life faces different stressful situations so we must respond to these situations in a flexible manner to achieve our psychological safety. This flexibility in dealing with adverse conditions may be an internal character of the individual, but what fosters more is the religious element or faith in God and faith that grows in us tranquility, stability and prevent us from mental illness. The present study aimed to detect the relationship between the level of religiosity and psychological flexibility among a sample of (52) students from Humanities and social sciences faculty of Tlemcen University. To achieve the objective a psychological measure of flexibility set up by Shaqoura, y.(2012) and a test to measure the level of religiosity set by Ahmed, I. (2009) were applied. The results showed the following: 1) The existence of positive correlation between psychological resilience and the level of religiosity. 2) The existence of a statistically significant differences between the cognitive and the behavioral side of religiosity in favor of the cognitive side of religiosity, and This result confirms that the cognitive side of religiosity is more influential on the psychological resilience as compared to the behavioral side of religiosity. Finally, the study was culminated in a set of proposals such as reinforcing religious values on children since birth and design treatment programs that revolves around the values of religion to cure the different psychological disorder sand to increase the level of Psychological flexibility. (Published Abstract)