الرضا الزواجي وعلاقته بالمرونة النفسية لدى المرشدين التربويين

The present research aims at identifying the relationship between marital satisfaction and psychological flexibility in educational counselors. In order to identify this relationship, the researcher developed five objectives : 1) Recognition of the level of marital satisfaction of educational counselors. 2) Identify the level of marital satisfaction of educational counselors depending on the gender variable. 3) Identify the level of psychological flexibility of educational counselors. 4) Identify the level of psychological flexibility of educational counselors depending on the gender variable. 5) identify the level of the relationship between marital satisfaction and psychological flexibility. After applying the two measures to the 400 sample members, the results showed that there is a percentage above the general average of marital satisfaction, and there is no significant difference between males and females in the level of marital satisfaction. As well as a good proportion of psychological flexibility, and the absence of a significant difference between males and females in the level of psychological flexibility. As for the relationship between marital satisfaction and psychological flexibility, the results showed a positive correlation between the two variables. The greater the psychological flexibility, the greater the rate of marital satisfaction. Conversely, this relationship can be explained by the two variables. That they aim to maintain the marital relationship. (Published Abstract)