مصادر الدعم الاجتماعي المعرفي والوقاية من المخدرات لدى الطلبة المراهقين


This study aimed to investigate the sources of social cognitive support and the prevention of drugs among a sample of (20) male and female students at the secondary schools in Jordan. To achieve the aim of this study the researcher adopted the qualitative approach through organized interviews with the sample. The findings showed that students have the knowledge about drugs, its types and negative effects on both individual and community. Moreover, there are (9) sources for social cognitive support arranged descending as follows: parents, teacher, media and social media, peers, school media, curriculum, psychological counselor, seminars, conferences and reading. The findings showed that (80%) of the sample confirmed that there is no drugs phenomenon in their schools. Finally, the study presented several suggestions to students for the prevention from substances and drugs related to self, family, school, media and organizations in the community. (Published abstract)