تأثير أسلوبين أرشاديين (العلاج العقلاني والعلاج المعرفي) في تعديل المعتقدات اللاعقلانية لدى طلاب المرحلة الإعدادية الذين يعانون من الضغوط ما بعد الصدمة


Students faces in contemporary life a lot of stress and tensions that require them to make the effort a lot to overcome, and these pressures irrational beliefs that result from the effects of multiple psychological conflicts, such as the psychological trauma suffered by the student and his weakness in the face of these irrational beliefs that cannot be disposed of only by outreach programs have effective role in modifying these irrational beliefs and methods according to the guidelines, which prompted the researcher to try to identify the impact of the stylistic (Rational Therapy and Cognitive Therapy) to modify the irrational beliefs among middle school students through the test of the null hypothesis the following: There are no Statistically Significant Differences in mean scores irrational beliefs differences among the three groups (The First and Second Experimental and Control) in the post-test. For this, the researcher applying two measures on the first junior high school students Scale (post-traumatic) adoptee of defensive pressure disorder thesis 2006 in accordance with the standards of the American Society of Psychiatry in the fourth classification (DSM - IV - 1994). The researcher applied component of (58) scale paragraph on a sample of 400 students from fifth grade preparatory (scientific and literary) to detect students who have post-traumatic stress disorder and after the researcher built beliefs irrationality scale according definition Ellis 1980 and as a measure of 32 items distributed in three areas: 1) Self-respect. 2) Social Sphere. 3) Environmental Surrounding Area. The measure applied on a sample of 160 students, so as to detect the irrational beliefs of the students, and then was selected 30 students who have the highest scores on the beliefs irrationality measure of the sample was divided into three groups (Experimental group first and A pilot second control group) after holding valence process variables (Scores of students in the tribal scale, Age, Respectively Congenital Student, Economic Status, Educational Level of the father, The educational Level of the Mother) and each group included 10 students have been applying the style of rational emotional therapy on the first experimental Group and cognitive Therapy at the experimental group 2. The study has five chapters, the first chapter of the definition of research devoted Chapter 2 guarantees the theoretical framework, And Chapter 3 Contains Measures Search Tools measurement methods codified the validity and reliability, While the fourth chapter included Indicative Programmers and the contents of its meetings 12 hearing, and Chapter 5 and last the search results and their interpretation and their relationship to the theoretical framework, and concluded with recommendations and suggestions, sources and supplements. Among the most important findings is that the two modes researcher extension worker (Rational Emotive Therapy and Cognitive Therapy) have a clear impact in amending the irrational beliefs among a sample search students. (Author’s abstract)