الاغتراب النفسي وتعاطي المخدرات لدى المراهق المتمدرس : دراسة حالة


In this study, we will try to detect psychological alienation and its role in drug abuse among school adolescent. In order to know more about dimensions of psychological alienation leading to drug abuse, as well as the extraction of the psychological profile for the drug abuser (hashish) and determine the psychological characteristics of abusers, so as to develop preventive and therapeutic programs likely to be directed to drug abusers and reduce feelings of alienation. The clinical approach was used through clinical case study of a school adolescent abuser in Biskra. The researcher also used semi-structured interview for applying the psychological alienation scale. The study found that psychological alienation plays a role in the drug abuse for the adolescent represented in social isolation, meaninglessness, powerlessness, as well as the weakness of religious faith. In addition to relational problems such as the shock of maternal deprivation and attachment to mother and also father identification, who is seen as a model of identification. All of these feelings appear in the psyche of the adolescent so, he finds himself under the effects of a variety of options such as self-selection and this leads him to introversion, and worse to drug abuse and smoking, as well as the risk-taking behavior and the lack of family control and decline of religious faith. (Published Abstract)