Placing elementary-school teachers at the vanguard of modernisation : language use and emergent identity among English-medium teachers in the UAE
[Abstract] | |
النوع | مقال |
ردمد | 04250494 |
مصدر المعلومات | ERIC |
المؤلف | Kennetz, Keith. English and German Language Department, Aleksander Xhuvani University, Elbasan, Albania. |
المؤلف الاضافي |
Litz, David. Assessment and School Evaluation Division, Emirates College for Advanced Education, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Riddlebarger, Julie. Defense Language Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA. Tennant, Lilly. Roanoke County Public Schools, Roanoke, VA, USA. Dickson, Martina. Curriculum and Instruction Division, Emirates College for Advanced Education, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Stringer, Patricia. School of Education, AUT, Auckland, New Zealand. |
الصفحات | pp. 74-92 |
ملاحظة عامة |
Peer reviewed
المصدر | English in Education. Vol. 54, no. 1, 2020 |
الناشر |
Philadelphia: Routledge، 2020
عنوان الناشر |
Taylor & Francis, Ltd. 530 Walnut Street Suite 850. Philadelphia, PA 19106. United States. Routledge. T: 0018003541420 T: 0012156258900. F: 0012152070050.
ERIC رقم الوثيقة في | EJ1241014 |
الواصفات | Language usage - Language of instruction - English - Second language instruction - Language teachers - Primary school teachers - Bilingualism - Native language - Teacher attitudes - Teaching methods - Educational policies - Classroom methods - United Arab Emirates |
لغة الوثيقة | الانكليزية |
البلد | الولايات المتحدة |
In the midst of immense societal change, this paper examines the complex forces at work in novice Arabic-speaking teachers' choice of language in English-medium primary classrooms in the United Arab Emirates. Thirty newly-graduated Emirati English language teachers, working in kindergarten or primary government schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, participated in a survey that investigated language choice in the classroom. Data was collected using self-reported quantitative and qualitative methods, summarised and analysed. Main findings identified a pragmatic willingness and enthusiasm among participants to use their first language in second language English classrooms not found in previous studies. The researchers also uncovered evidence of an emerging bilingual professional identity that sets participants apart from their monolingual colleagues. Pedagogical implications for language teachers, administrators, teacher trainers, and educational policy-makers are presented and discussed. (As Provided)
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Kennetz, Keith. (2020). Placing elementary-school teachers at the vanguard of modernisation : language use and emergent identity among English-medium teachers in the UAE. English in Education. Vol. 54, no. 1, 2020. pp. 74-92 تم استرجاعه من . |