البحث المتقدم

Intercultural education : proceedings of the international scientific and professional conference (4th, Osijek, Republic of Croatia, September 17-18, 2020)

النوع كتاب
مصدر المعلومات ERIC
المؤلف Mlinarevic, Vesnica.
المؤلف الاضافي Brust Nemet, Maja. Editor
Husanovic Pehar, Jasmina. Editor
الصفحات 380 p.
الناشر Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts، 2021
Varaždin: Center for Scientific Work، 2021
عنوان الناشر Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11. 10000 Zagreb. Croatia. Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. T:0038514895111 . F: 0038514819979. kabpred@hazu.hr. https://www.info.hazu.hr/en/.
Vladimira Nazora 14. 42000 Varaždin. Croatia. Center for Scientific Work. T: 0038542214503. . https://www.info.hazu.hr/en/jedinice/zavod-za-znanstveni-rad-u-varazdinu/.
ERIC رقم الوثيقة في ED611743
المصدر الالكتروني Full text (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات Multicultural education  -  Bilingualism  -  Children  -  Refugees  -  Inclusive education  -  Teacher characteristics  -  Primary schools  -  Rural areas  -  Urban areas  -  Music education  -  Second language instruction  -  Teaching methods  -  Academically gifted  -  Parent attitudes  -  Autism  -  Exceptional students  -  Interdisciplinary approach  -  COVID-19  -  School closing  -  Educational technology  -  Economic factors  -  Educational policies  -  Bilingual education  -  Educational games  -  Student projects  -  Secondary education  -  Higher education  -  Syria
لغة الوثيقة الانكليزية
البلد كرواتيا
4th International Scientific and Professional Conference Intercultural Education and especially this proceedings of scientific and professional papers authored by scientists and practitioners contributes to greater sensitivity to diversity and the creation of an inclusive culture of life in educational institutions and in a multicultural community. The Proceedings with 27 scientific and professional papers and 48 authors from the Republic of Croatia and abroad was published in English, studying relevant topics in the field of intercultural pedagogy from different disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives based on research and scientific, academic and professional insights of authors, after the review process of individual papers, as well as the entire proceedings, involving domestic and international independent reviewers. The proceedings from the 4th International Scientific and Professional Conference Intercultural Education emphasizes and sheds light on certain problems faced by children, students, parents, educators, teachers and the society during the last decades of great change. Multicultural societies, intercultural relations, different cultures in coexistence, bilingualism, children of refugees and displaced persons, differences in society, culture, art and educational practice are elements that need to be improved on a daily basis in order to improve life for coexistence, as evidenced by the topics of scientific and professional papers of this collection. A significant number of papers are focused on the study of diversity in the context of modern curricula that enrich educational practice. Children and students have different needs, come from different cultural communities, different families, and manifest their differences by behaving in different socialization environments in relation to parents, peers, and teachers. Some scientific papers stress the specificity of educational care for students who show peculiarities of different forms and specifics in education while researching ADHD, literacy of deaf children, bilingualism, etc. with different models of support for the different. Interculturalism is also emphasized in art, and several papers elaborate on the importance of the application of traditional music, especially the native folklore expression in teaching and extracurricular activities. (As Provided)

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Mlinarevic, Vesnica. (2021). Intercultural education : proceedings of the international scientific and professional conference(4th, Osijek, Republic of Croatia, September 17-18, 2020). Varaždin: Center for Scientific Work. تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .