البحث المتقدم

Business education and entrepreneurial skills : evidence from Arab universities

النوع مقال
ردمد 08832323
مصدر المعلومات ERIC
المؤلف Badawi, Sherine. College of Business and Finance, Ahlia University, Manama, Bahrain.
المؤلف الاضافي Reyad, Sameh. College of Business and Finance, Ahlia University, Manama, Bahrain.
Khamis, Reem. College of Business and Finance, Ahlia University, Manama, Bahrain; Brunel Business School, Brunel University London, Uxbridge, United Kingdom.
Hamdan, Allam. College of Business and Finance, Ahlia University, Manama, Bahrain.
Abdalmuttaleb Musleh. College of Business and Finance, Ahlia University, Manama, Bahrain.
الصفحات pp. 314-323
ملاحظة عامة Peer reviewed
المصدر Journal of Education for Business. Vol. 94, no. 5, 2019
الناشر Philadelphia: Routledge، 2019
عنوان الناشر Taylor & Francis, Ltd. 530 Walnut Street Suite 850. Philadelphia, PA 19106. United States. Routledge. T: 0018003541420 T: 0012156258900. F: 0012152070050. http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals.
ERIC رقم الوثيقة في EJ1217159
الواصفات Universities  -  Business Administration Education  -  Undergraduate students  -  Student attitudes  -  Critical thinking  -  Problem solving  -  Innovation  -  University role  -  Business  -  Self employment  -  Cognitive processes  -  Egypt  -  Bahrain
لغة الوثيقة الانكليزية
البلد الولايات المتحدة
The authors aimed to investigate business undergraduates' cognition toward entrepreneurship; in particular, they examined four entrepreneurship skills. Data consist of questionnaire responses obtained from 668 undergraduates attending universities in two different Arab countries. The study used a logistic regression to gauge the effect of delivering four entrepreneurial skills on entrepreneurship cognition. The results reveal that business students perceive the four entrepreneurial skills as key elements for starting their own business. (As Provided)

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Badawi, Sherine. (2019). Business education and entrepreneurial skills : evidence from Arab universities. Journal of Education for Business. Vol. 94, no. 5, 2019. pp. 314-323 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .