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Rethinking reform in higher education : from islamization to integration of knowledge

Type Book
ISBN 9781642052091
Author Sardar, Ziauddin.
Second author Henzell-Thomas, Jermey.
Pages 32 p.
Publisher Virginia: International Institute of Islamic Thought، 2018
Publisher address Herndon. Virginia. United States. International Institute of Islamic Thought. T: 0017034711133. F: 0014713922 .
Electronic Location Full text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors Thinking skills  -  Educational reform  -  Higher education  -  Islamic education  -  Integration  -  Culture  -  Universities
Language of document English
Country United States
The Reform in Higher Education in Muslim Societies is in sum a paradigm shift in perspective driven by important considerations including the aims of education itself. It may require reforming existing disciplines, inventing new ones, as well as working in conjunction with current knowledge(s) and discourses by taking effective account of the ethical, spiritual norms of Muslim society, the guiding principles that it operates under, which in turn mark the underlying basis of its makeup and spiritual identity. Rather than creating divisions, reform of Higher Education in Muslim Societies recognizes the plurality and diversity of the modern networked world, and seeks to replace sterile and uniform approaches to knowledge with a broader and more creative understanding of reality as lived on different soils and different cultures. Moderation, balance and effective communication are paramount features of the underlying philosophy. (Publisher's Abstract)

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Sardar, Ziauddin. (2018). Rethinking reform in higher education : from islamization to integration of knowledge. Virginia: International Institute of Islamic Thought. Retrieved from