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Using E-task-based learning for developing secondary school students' EFL vocabulary skills

Type Article
Author Ramadan, Eman Samir Mohammed. English Language.
Second author Abdel-Haq, Eman Mohammed. English as a Foreign Language, Curriculum and Instruction, Dean, Faculty of Education, Benha University.
Amin, Magdy Mohammad. English as a Foreign Language, Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Benha University.
Varying form of title إستخدام التعلم الإلكتروني القائم على المهام لتنمية مهارات المفردات اللغوية باللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية [مقال]
Pages pp. 55-70
Host Item Entry Journal of Faculty of Education. Vol. 31, no. 123, p. 1, July 2020
Electronic Location Full text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors Electronic learning  -  Assignments  -  Skill development  -  Vocabulary development  -  English  -  Second language instruction  -  Secondary school students
Language of document English
Country Egypt
The present study aimed at developing some EFL vocabulary skills among secondary school students using Electronic Task-Based Learning (ETBL). The participants of the study consisted of first year secondary school students enrolled in Subk El-Dahhak Secondary School, in Menoufia Governorate (N=25). This study adopted one study group pre-posttest design. Five main tools were used: An EFL vocabulary skills checklist required for first year secondary school students, an EFL pre- test to measure some of the students’ vocabulary skills, an EFL post-test to measure some of the students’ vocabulary skills, an EFL vocabulary skills rubric to score students' performance on the EFL vocabulary skills tests and a teacher's guide. A quantitative data analysis was conducted. The mean scores of the pre-posttests of the participants of the study were compared by using t-test. ETBL was applied to the participants during the first semester of the academic year 2019-2020. Results of the quantitative analysis showed that the participants' some EFL vocabulary skills were developed significantly as a result of ETBL. Therefore, it can be concluded that ETBL was effective in developing some EFL vocabulary skills among first year secondary school students. (Published abstract)

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Ramadan, Eman Samir Mohammed. (2020). Using E-task-based learning for developing secondary school students' EFL vocabulary skills . Journal of Faculty of Education. Vol. 31, no. 123, p. 1, July 2020. pp. 55-70 Retrieved from