البحث المتقدم

The degree of principals' practice of leadership skills from the perspective of UNRWA school teachers

النوع مقال
ردمد 19139020
مصدر المعلومات ERIC
المؤلف Ghanem, Bassam. School of Educational and Psychological Sciences, Amman Arab University, Amman, Jordan.
المؤلف الاضافي Abu Awwad, Ferial M. School of Educational Sciences, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
الصفحات pp. 106-118
ملاحظة عامة Peer reviewed
المصدر International Education Studies. Vol. 12, no. 7, 2019
الناشر Toronto: Canadian Center of Science and Education، 2019
عنوان الناشر 1120 Finch Avenue West Suite 701-309. Toronto, ON M3J 3H7. Canada. . Canadian Center of Science and Education. T: 0014166422606. F: 0014166422608. ies@ccsenet.org. http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ies.
ERIC رقم الوثيقة في EJ1220924
المصدر الالكتروني Full text (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات Principals  -  Teacher administration relationship  -  Teacher attitudes  -  Leadership training  -  Test  -  Validity  -  Reliability  -  Jordan
لغة الوثيقة الانكليزية
البلد كندا
The goal of this study is to determine the degree of leadership skills practiced by principals at UNRWA schools. In order to achieve this goal a questionnaire consisting of 56 items was developed, which included two domains: Administrative and Technical skills, and personal and social skills. This questionnaire had been verified in terms of its validity and reliability. The study sample consisted of 400 male and female teachers, distributed according to gender into 185 male and 215 females from UNRWA schools. The main results of the study revealed that the mean score on the administrative and technical skills was 126.63 with a percentage of 77% and on the personal and social skills 77.3 with a percentage of 67%. However, the mean score of the total score was 203.93 with a percentage of 73% which means that the degree of principals' practice of leadership skills was in average. Also, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the sample on the administrative and technical skills due to gender variable in favor of females. The study ended with some recommendations relating to enhance the principal's skills in general and for male principals specifically. (As Provided)

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Ghanem, Bassam. (2019). The degree of principals' practice of leadership skills from the perspective of UNRWA school teachers . International Education Studies. Vol. 12, no. 7, 2019. pp. 106-118 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .