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Cybercrime and how to confront it through an educational security perspective

Type Article
Author Shabana, Nashwa Mahmoud Mahmoud. Methodology and curricula, English Department, Faculty of Education, Port Said Universit.
Second author Shehab, Ahmed Mohamed. Faculty of Law, Mansoura University.
Varying form of title الجريمة السيبرية و كيفية مجابهتها من خلال منظور أمني تربوي [مقال]
Pages pp.1-52
Host Item Entry Scientific Journal of the Egyptian Association for Educational Computers. Vol. 6, no. 2, December 2018
Electronic Location Full text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors Cybernetics  -  Security  -  Educational technology  -  Information technology
Language of document English
Country Egypt

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Shabana, Nashwa Mahmoud Mahmoud. (2018). Cybercrime and how to confront it through an educational security perspective . Scientific Journal of the Egyptian Association for Educational Computers. Vol. 6, no. 2, December 2018. pp.1-52 Retrieved from