البحث المتقدم

Gendered refusals in the Palestinian Arabic culture : implications for multicultural diverse educational contexts

النوع مقال
ردمد 2005615X
مصدر المعلومات ERIC
المؤلف AbuArrah, Sufyan. Faculty of Arts, Al-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
المؤلف الاضافي Lochtman, Katja. LIST, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium.
الصفحات pp. 175-187
ملاحظة عامة Peer reviewed
المصدر Multicultural Education Review. Vol. 11, no. 4, 2019
الناشر Philadelphia: Routledge، 2019
عنوان الناشر Taylor & Francis, Ltd. 530 Walnut Street Suite 850. Philadelphia, PA 19106. United States. Routledge. T: 0018003541420 T: 0012156258900. F: 0012152070050. http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals.
ERIC رقم الوثيقة في EJ1235241
الواصفات Gender discrimination  -  Female  -  Speech  -  Native language  -  Multiculturalism  -  Educational environment  -  Language usage  -  Study abroad  -  Student attitudes  -  Cultural diversity  -  Comparative analysis  -  Postgraduate students  -  Masters degrees  -  English  -  Second language instruction  -  Main subjects (higher education)  -  Palestine
لغة الوثيقة الانكليزية
البلد الولايات المتحدة
In many societies, single-sex education is embedded in a culture that maintains women subordination with possible ramifications to their language performance and role in society. This paper seeks to explain the cultural grounds for Palestinian female direct refusals in their L1 culture and the consequences for their linguistic behaviour in multicultural educational contexts. For data collection, the study employed a self-reporting survey followed by interviews with 10 Palestinian female study abroad students. Results showed that fear of gossip-mongering, reputation and family, and inter-group anxiety constricted the females' refusals pushing them to terminate communication at an earlier stage in their home educational context. However, in a western study abroad context, the students were more responsive to the culturally diverse context. They conceived their home culture as constraining their refusal performance at home, becoming more self-sovereign and their reactions were more engaging, elaborated and less direct in the foreign educational context. (As Provided)

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AbuArrah, Sufyan. (2019). Gendered refusals in the Palestinian Arabic culture : implications for multicultural diverse educational contexts. Multicultural Education Review. Vol. 11, no. 4, 2019. pp. 175-187 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .