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الهدر الوجودي لدى عينة من أساتذة وطلبة الجامعة

Type Article
Author الموسوي، رغد إبراهيم عباس. قسم العلوم التربوية والنفس، كلية التربية، الجامعة المستنصرية
Varying form of title Roaring existential among a sample of professors and students of the university [Article]
Pages ص ص. 425-460
Host Item Entry مجلة كلية التربية الأساسية. مج. 21، ع. 89 إنساني، 2015
Electronic Location النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors العلاقات الانسانية  -  مفهوم الذات  -  اساتذة الجامعات  -  الطلاب الجامعيون  -  العراق
Language of document Arabic
Country Iraq
There is a case beyond freedom and democracy in their platforms that we are familiar former condition they are in recognition of his being humanely rights and the sanctity and immunity of the initial value and unconditional. From this point is determined by the current study, the problem of the following question is there on the current national recognition as human beings is the value of the entity and Afradanh Balbdahh of the inviolability and immunity and rights? That is the center of this subtraction current study, we are going to waste human and humane existence, we are in the process of waste-faceted and multi-dimensional fields Khdr thought and consciousness and energies and waste in everyday life through to waste in married life. The researcher measured the waste through the existential scale prepared by the researcher was built by the researcher using manners and sources on the subject of waste existential also relied on the theoretical framework of the existential psychoanalysis to build paragraphs scale Mustansiriya married just been chosen purposely and method of stratified random sample of Basic Sciences College of Education and education be the scale of (57) items distributed in three areas, namely, waste existential in thought and consciousness and energies and waste existential in everyday life and waste existential in married life, and the alternatives scale pentagonal (always apply to, apply to often, apply to sometimes apply to rarely, never apply to), and the degrees of alternatives are (5.4, 3, 2.1), respectively, and were paragraphs are all one toward is a measure of wastage existential. Finally, the results showed: 1) There is no waste of my public image with professors and students of the university as a whole. 2) Unify significant differences in waste existential variable depending on the profession and in favor of (the student. 3) There are significant differences in waste by the existential variable humanitarian specialization. 4) The lack of significant differences in waste in thought and consciousness and energies by profession variable (Tdirici- student), while no differences according to variable specialization (human, scientific) and in favor of humanitarian specialization. 5) There are significant differences in waste in everyday life by changing the profession (Tdirici- student), and in favor of (the student), there are also significant differences by variable specialization and in favor of specialization (Human). 6) There are significant differences in waste in married life by changing the profession (Tdirici- student) and in favor of (the student) and variable specialization in favor of specialization (Human). Finally came the researcher in light of the findings set of proposals and recommendations. (Published abstract)

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الموسوي، رغد إبراهيم عباس. (2015). الهدر الوجودي لدى عينة من أساتذة وطلبة الجامعة . مجلة كلية التربية الأساسية. مج. 21، ع. 89 إنساني، 2015. ص ص. 425-460 Retrieved from