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أثر استراتيجية التعلم التعاوني في التفكير المنظومي لدى طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط في مادة التاريخ العربي الإسلامي

Type Article
Author الباوي، حسن حميد حسن. كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية، جامعة ديالى
Varying form of title The effectiveness of cooperative learning in systematical thinking for second stage intermediate students in material of history [Article]
Pages ص ص. 392-416
Host Item Entry مجلة ديالى للبحوث الإنسانية. ع. 77، ج. 2، 2018
Electronic Location النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors استراتيجيات التعلم  -  التعلم التعاوني  -  عمليات التفكير  -  طلاب المدارس المتوسطة  -  التاريخ  -  التربية الاسلامية  -  البلدان العربية
Language of document Arabic
Country Iraq
This research aims to reveal "the effectiveness of cooperative learning in systematical thinking for second stage intermediate students in material of history". The researcher followed experimental method and partial experimental design. The researcher equaled between the two groups with a number of variables like, grades of previous academic year, chronical age, and parents’ attainment and prepared attest measuring the level of systematical thinking for the students of the sample. The results showed there are significant statistical differences for the favor of the experimental group. The researcher put a set of recommendations some of which: the necessity of using effectiveness cooperative learning in teaching the material of history for preparatory stage, preparing the necessary academic atmosphere inside classes and halls for students at schools, to take care of preparing a teacher's guide containing a group of modern methodologies and strategies some of which is cooperative learning. The researcher suggested a number of suggestions: conducting comparative study to know the effect of cooperative learning on other educational materials and comparing the results with the results of the current study, and to conduct a study to know the effectiveness of strategic cooperative learning in other variables like scientific, significance, and critical thinking and other materials beside history. (Published abstract)

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الباوي، حسن حميد حسن. (2018). أثر استراتيجية التعلم التعاوني في التفكير المنظومي لدى طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط في مادة التاريخ العربي الإسلامي . مجلة ديالى للبحوث الإنسانية. ع. 77، ج. 2، 2018. ص ص. 392-416 Retrieved from