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Quality research in higher education institutions in Oman : some views of teacher researchers

Type Article
ISSN 22034714
information source
Author Al Ajmi, Ahmed Ali Saleh. Department of English Language and Literature (DELL), Rustaq College of Applied Sciences, Oman
Second author Ali, Holi Ibrahim Holi. School of Education and Professional Development, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom.
Pages pp. 55-60
General Note Peer reviewed
Publisher Footscray: Australian International Academic Centre PTY, LTD، 2015
Publisher address 11 Souter Crescent. Footscray VIC, 3011. Australia. Australian International Academic Centre PTY, LTD. T: 0061390286880.
ERIC document no. EJ1128181
Electronic Location Full text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors Quality assurance  -  Higher education  -  Educational innovations  -  Teaching methods  -  Evaluation methods  -  Professors  -  Teacher attitudes  -  Oman
Language of document English
Country Australia
Academic research remains a prime source of knowledge and innovation for higher education institutions (HEIs) that strive to grow, expand and develop their academic reputations and standards. Yet, research informs teaching practices, shapes social changes and it has financial outcomes for HEIs. Therefore, it is imperative to develop institutional policies and strategies for promoting and sustaining quality research in HEIs in Oman. There are a number of international frameworks and models which have been developed to measure research quality in HEIs around the world. For example, bibliometrics were used to assess research quality in HEIs in the UK because bibliometric data can provide a number of component variables. An appropriate bibliometric model may include components such as output volume, diversity of outputs, citation volume, journal impact factor and average citations per publication, etc. Moreover, other popular examples of models for assessing research quality are Multidimensional Research Assessment Matrix (MRAM) used in Europe and the UK's Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). However, neither of the above mentioned models is adopted by HEIs in Oman. Thus, the current study is an attempt to explore some institutional, international, logistic and pragmatic factors that impact academic research and publication quality, review popular international research quality assessment models and explore the possibility of applying them in the Omani context. To achieve the study objectives, 20 teacher researchers were surveyed and the findings and recommendations were presented.(As Provided)

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Al Ajmi, Ahmed Ali Saleh. (2015). Quality research in higher education institutions in Oman : some views of teacher researchers. pp. 55-60 Retrieved from