البحث المتقدم

تقويم أداء معلمي الرياضيات بالكليات التقنية في ضوء المعايير المهنية المعاصرة

النوع مقال
المؤلف الزهراني، محمد عبد الله محمد.
متغيرات العنوان Performance evaluation of mathematics teachers in technical colleges according to contemporary professional standards [Article]
الصفحات ص ص. 65-77
المصدر مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية. مج. 3، ع. 24، أكتوبر 2019
المصدر الالكتروني النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات التقييم  -  الاداء  -  معلمو الرياضيات  -  الكليات التقنية العليا  -  المعايير  -  التقييم المهني  -  الازمنة الحديثة
لغة الوثيقة العربية
البلد فلسطين
The study aimed to determine the list of contemporary professional standards required for mathematics teachers in technical colleges, and to determine the degree of availability of these standards in the performance of a group of mathematics teachers in these colleges, and know the significance of statistical differences in the performance of these teachers according to the different qualifications and type of education; In the second semester of the academic year 1437/1438 AH on a random sample of (18) teachers for Riyadh Technical colleges in Makkah, Jeddah and Taif. The results of the study are summarized as follows: The following are the current professional standards in the overall performance of the mathematics teachers in the technical colleges with an average of (2.18 of 5) and with a low degree of appreciation. There are no statistically significant differences at the level of statistical significance (α = 0.05) in the performance of mathematics teachers in the light of contemporary professional standards can be attributed to the difference of: the academic qualification (Bachelor - higher than the bachelor) and the type of educational qualification (educational - non-educational) Light contemporary professional standards, as well as a Maximum of work to raise awareness of mathematics teachers in technical colleges and those responsible for their assessment, and training of the importance of contemporary professional standards, and conclude researcher recommendations of the need to identify the problems that reduce the performance of mathematics teachers at the technical college level in the light of contemporary professional standards, and work to resolve them. (Published abstract)

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Cite   للمزيد من الدقة يرجى التأكد من أسلوب صياغة المرجع وإجراء التعديلات اللازمة قبل استخدام أسلوب (APA) :
الزهراني، محمد عبد الله محمد. (2019). تقويم أداء معلمي الرياضيات بالكليات التقنية في ضوء المعايير المهنية المعاصرة . مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية. مج. 3، ع. 24، أكتوبر 2019. ص ص. 65-77 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .