البحث المتقدم

صعوبات تطبيق برنامج التعليم التفاعلي المحوسب على تلاميذ المرحلة الدنيا بمدارس وكالة الغوث الدولية بمحافظات غزة وسبل علاجها

النوع رسالة / أطروحة
المؤلف الحسنات، نجاح أحمد حسين.
المؤلف الاضافي الصوفي، حمدان عبد الله. مشرف رسالة
الحولي، عليان عبد الله. عضو لجنة المناقشة
الرنتيسي، محمود محمد. عضو لجنة المناقشة
متغيرات العنوان Difficulties facing the application of a computerized interactive education program on the elementary lower level students at UNRWA schools in Gaza Governorates and the ways of manipulating it [Thesis / Dissertation]
الصفحات أ-س، 136 ص.
تبصرة أطروحة ماجستير. الإدارة التربوية. الجامعة الإسلامية (فلسطين: غزة). كلية التربية. 1433 هـ (2012). فلسطين. غزة. ص. ب: 108 . ت: 009708283292. ف: 0097082832922. educ@iugaza.edu.ps. http://www.iugaza.edu.ps
المصدر الالكتروني النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات وكالة الغوث الدولية  -  المعوقات  -  البرامج التربوية  -  طلاب المدارس الابتدائية  -  غزة (فلسطين: محافظة)
لغة الوثيقة العربية
البلد فلسطين
The study aimed at: 1) identifying difficulties facing the application of a computerized interactive education program on the elementary lower level students at UNRWA schools in Gaza Governorates from the program's implementers teachers' perspectives. 2) Discovering the differences among the program's implementers teachers' evaluation degrees towards the difficulties facing the application of the computerized interactive program for the elementary lower level students at UNRWA schools in Gaza Governorates in light of the study variables. 3) Suggesting solutions to overcome the difficulties facing the application of the computerized interactive program for the elementary lower level students at UNRWA schools in Gaza Governorates to achieve the aims of the study, the researcher used the analytic qualitative approach. The tool of the study was a questionnaire consisting of (75) items distributed on four domains as follows: 1) Difficulties related to the administration. 2) Difficulties concerned with the students. 3) Difficulties related to the teachers, and difficulties concerned with the infrastructure and the technical support. Additionally, the researcher held a workshop for all the elementary lower level supervisors to identify the ways of overcoming these difficulties. The participants were all the elementary lower level teachers at UNRWA schools in Gaza Governorates in the scholastic year 2011-2012 and the computerized interactive program staff who are (147) members. The study sample was (120) teachers. The study revealed the following findings: 1) concerning the difficulties related to the administration: the results revealed that a medium average of the respondents of (60.90) confirmed that there were difficulties in this domain. The most important difficulty was that they don’t have a permanent support teacher for the computerized interactive education teacher and the lack of the financial support. 2) Concerning the difficulties related to students: the results showed that a medium average of the respondents of (59.56) have difficulties in this. 3) Domain. The highest one was that students don’t have computers in there. 4) Homes. 5) Concerning the difficulties related to the teachers: the findings revealed that a medium average of the respondents of (67.61) have difficulties in this domain. The basic difficulty was the lack of incentives for the computerized interactive education teachers. 4) Relating the obstacles concerned with the infrastructure difficulties and technical support; the study results revealed that a huge number of respondents of (76.08) have difficulties in this domain. The basic difficulty was the malfunction of the computers or the computers' attachments as LCD, mouse or speakers. 5) Concerning the study variables: the results showed that there were no statistical significant differences at 0.05 ≥ α in the means of study sample's evaluation to the difficulties of the program attributed to the study variables (sex, the class, years of experience) In light of the study results, the researcher recommends: 1) Providing a permanent support teacher for the computerized interactive education teacher and getting the university graduates' volunteer and having the benefit from them. 2) Improving the computer labs at the new schools to suit the large number of students. 3) Opening the school gates and the computer labs for students after or before the school learning time and providing the monitoring and supervising committees. 4) Culturing the guardians about the computerized interactive education program and getting the benefit from the UNRWA Satellite Channel to show the students' success stories at the program. 5) Providing the emergent and preventive program for the computers through having a technical team at school for the computers maintenance. 6) Taking caring of them and appreciating their work through providing gratitude certificates. (Author's abstract)

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Cite   للمزيد من الدقة يرجى التأكد من أسلوب صياغة المرجع وإجراء التعديلات اللازمة قبل استخدام أسلوب (APA) :
الحسنات، نجاح أحمد حسين. (2012). صعوبات تطبيق برنامج التعليم التفاعلي المحوسب على تلاميذ المرحلة الدنيا بمدارس وكالة الغوث الدولية بمحافظات غزة وسبل علاجها (ماجستير). الجامعة الإسلامية (فلسطين: غزة) كلية التربية، فلسطين. تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .