البحث المتقدم

نموذج تدريسي تفاعلي مقترح لتفعيل تعليم مهارات التفكير وتعلمها في الفصول الدراسية في ضوء النظرية البنائية الاجتماعية

النوع مقال
رقم الوثيقة 123034
المؤلف النصيان، عبد الرحمن بن محمد. كلية التربية، جامعة القصيم
متغيرات العنوان A suggested dynamic teaching model to activate teaching and learning of thinking skills in the classroom :a sociocultural perspective [Article]
الصفحات ص ص. 913-939
المصدر مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية. مج. 10، ع. 4، يونيو 2017
المصدر الالكتروني النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات النماذج التربوية  -  التعلم التفاعلي  -  استراتيجيات التعلم  -  تنمية المهارات  -  مهارات التفكير  -  الصفوف  -  النظريات الاجتماعية
لغة الوثيقة العربية
البلد المملكة العربية السعودية
The present study proposes a conceptual model of interactive teaching which promotes the teaching of thinking skills in the classroom. This idea is expressed through the following research question: What is the proposed interactive teaching model to activate and accelerate teaching thinking skills in the classroom? In this study, the researcher designed a proposed interactive teaching model to activate and accelerate teaching thinking skills in the classroom. The model was judged by specialists. The researcher hopes this model will contribute to help specialists and teachers to understand the basic principles of teaching thinking skills. Moreover, this model can be useful in all types of professional development associated with teaching thinking skills. This model is based on the principles of the constructivist theory, specifically on sociocultural theory. Based on the study results, the researcher recommends the following: 1) to seek for integration in the educational policy in countries that adopt the integration approach to thinking skills. This can be achieved through early teacher preparation, either in the preparation faculties or the so-called preparation diplomas, through adopting courses to prepare teachers to teach thinking skills and review their models to achieve the basic goal of adopting the integrated curriculum to teach thinking skills. 2) To help teachers to be aware of the nature of thinking skills teaching and their activation methods through the school curriculum; also to provide teachers with interactive teaching models to activate and accelerate thinking skills teaching in the classroom in order to facilitate understanding of the basic principles of teaching thinking skills. 3) To provide the teacher and the student with fruitful information combined with either the teacher’s book or the school curriculum, which describes the nature of thinking skills and the methods of teaching and activating them through the school curriculum in a gradual and systematic manner. 4) To seek for the retraining of educational supervisors to know the nature of teaching thinking skills and their activation methods through specialized training courses and through developing a guide for this purpose. (Published Abstract)

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Cite   للمزيد من الدقة يرجى التأكد من أسلوب صياغة المرجع وإجراء التعديلات اللازمة قبل استخدام أسلوب (APA) :
النصيان، عبد الرحمن بن محمد.. (2017). نموذج تدريسي تفاعلي مقترح لتفعيل تعليم مهارات التفكير وتعلمها في الفصول الدراسية في ضوء النظرية البنائية الاجتماعية . مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية. مج. 10، ع. 4، يونيو 2017. ص ص. 913-939 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .