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Using blended learning strategies in EFL classes: the effect of an on-line course on the college students’ speaking

Type Article
Document no. 111364
Author AbouRezk, Amal Ismail Mohammed. Teaching English as a Foreign Language TEFL
Pages pp. 01-43
Host Item Entry مجلة العلوم التربوية. مج. 23، ع. 1، ج. 2، يناير 2015
Electronic Location Full text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors English  -  Modern language instruction  -  Computer assisted instruction  -  Audiovisual instruction  -  Educational technology  -  Learning strategies  -  College students  -  Electronic learning
Language of document English
Country Egypt

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AbouRezk, Amal Ismail Mohammed.. (2015). Using blended learning strategies in EFL classes: the effect of an on-line course on the college students’ speaking . مجلة العلوم التربوية. مج. 23، ع. 1، ج. 2، يناير 2015. pp. 01-43 Retrieved from